This is the email I sent at 1pm Wed, April 1st, 2020

Hello Everyone,

As promised, find the final test questions below. You need to answer five of the following six questions. Each will be worth 5% of your final grade. You have 120 minutes to answer them.  Please hand in your answers in .pdf format attached to an email sent to me ( and (Jessie Oddan, the TA). You may not hand in the test late (after 3pm).  I will be available for questions at this email, or online in the Learn virtual classroom.  Good luck!

  1. Name three standard features of connectionist models. What is the difference between localist and distributed representations in connectionism? Name one strength and one weakness of each kind of representation.

  2. Name and describe the three features of thought that Fodor and Pylyshyn claim cognitive systems have? For each feature, describe how connectionists would reply to show that these features don’t contradict the commitments of connectionism.

  3. What is the main neurological evidence that motivates the emotion challenge to cognitive science? Name two ways in which we might expand CRUM to account for emotions. Name one way in which we might supplement CRUM to account for emotions. What kinds of difficulties arise for the proposed ‘supplement’?

  4. Briefly describe the position of anti-representationalism. Name four ways in which the subsumption architecture robots inspire anti-representationalism. Describe three important problems with the anti-representationalist view.

  5. What are qualia? How do qualia present a problem to CRUM? Provide two examples of NCCs. Pick one of those examples and describe how it does (from one perspective) and does not (from another perspective) address the problem of qualia.

  6. Provide and discuss two points of comparison (one similarity and one difference) between Spaun and each of connectionism, symbolicism, and dynamicism. Support your comparison with specific references to tasks Spaun performs.